Washington, D.C. (November 5, 2021) – Terry O’Sullivan, General President of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – made the following statement today:
Today’s long awaited vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, the single greatest infrastructure investment in generations, is a victory for the hard-working men and women of LIUNA. The $1.2 trillion investment will restore our roads and bridges, our water systems, transit, and broadband with historic new investments. The investment will put Laborers to work in every community, revitalize our nation’s economy, and open doors to the middle-class for hundreds of thousands of working men and women.
LIUNA thanks President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for their leadership, their vision, and their resolve to win passage of this transformative investment in our nation.
Today’s victory could not have occurred without the grassroots support and extraordinary activism of LIUNA members who working together, took up this fight, barraging members of Congress with tens of thousands of emails and calls, as well as, attending more than one hundred townhall events, parades, rallies, and press events. From billboards and digital ad trucks, LIUNA’s message, “Pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Now,” was heard loud and clear.
LIUNA members are builders and that is just what we are ready to do. We look forward to working with the White House on the rollout of the infrastructure bill, the Build Back Better Agenda, and the creation of good union jobs building this nation.