Statement of Terry O’Sullivan General President of LIUNA On President Obama’s Initiative to Combat Global Warming
Washington, D.C. (June 25, 2013) -- The Laborers’ International Union of North America applauds President Obama for putting forth a climate change agenda that will help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and move our country toward energy independence.
The men and women of LIUNA are ready to get back to work building a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. By investing in new technologies, fostering efficiency, and better preparing our communities for the impacts of global climate change, the President and Congress can help lead an energy revolution that will help bring our economy roaring back for decades to come. We are committed to working with them to achieve this.
We are encouraged by President Obama’s statement that the Keystone XL would serve the national interest “if this project does not significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution.” Since the factual record has been clearly established that the development of the Canadian oil sands would not impact greenhouse gas production, the men and women of LIUNA look forward to building this important energy infrastructure project.
The President’s initiative can hopefully refocus attention on the need for elected leaders to address climate change with comprehensive legislation and on a global scale. That is the real solution to global warming