Washington, D.C. (April 21, 2021) – Terry O’Sullivan, General President of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – made the following statement today:
LIUNA commends Chairman Wyden for introducing the Clean Energy for America Act. By tying federal tax incentives for clean energy development to family-supporting prevailing wages and other labor standards, this legislation will help ensure that the new green economy does not cheat workers of good pay and benefits.
The bill will correct a system that currently rewards an industry with a track record of creating lower paid jobs with few benefits. The Clean Energy for America Act is an absolutely crucial first step towards helping ensure strong labor standards for workers on clean energy projects across the nation.
Working men and women in the construction industry need family-supporting jobs not pay cuts. LIUNA urges Congress to quickly act on this legislation.
The half-million members of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – are on the forefront of the construction industry, a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build the United States and Canada.